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The Braided Vision:
Conversations with Spirit in Color

I am a savant artist. The compulsion to paint appeared in the spring of 2022 as suddenly as the capacity to heal disease with touch in 2009. The sensitivities and perceptiveness that guide the work as a shaman bring the Language of Creation to viewers in a visible way.

To many, these pieces are mystical, multi-sensory experiences; temperature changing, heart-opening, illness-curing paintings that imbue the viewer with peace and wonder. Though pieces are not created with a story in mind, sensitive viewers can hear and feel the stories of Ancients, the land and water.

Each piece evolves into its own rhythm and tone, responding to the energies within and around me, and similar to the way I experience synesthesia, emits its own sensory experience. Most pieces challenge the status quo of spiritual spaces and conceptions asking viewers to reevaluate limitations and the liminal space between the physical and invisible worlds.  What often at first glance is two-dimensional becomes an experience akin to walking through a threshold, entering sanctuary as well as deep space: of the inner kind and that associated with the stars.

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