Most authentic self? As, of course, opposed to one’s least authentic self? Inorganic, perhaps?
Are you being it? You? You’re NOT?! Of course, you’re not. Let me show you. How about you invest in yourself to see that you really are not being yourself. That yourself is so unimportant, inconsequential until we show you how to be yourSelf. To know your true nature. That’s what you’re not being, doing, reflecting, sensing, seeing.
How to be it. How to be the real you. Audaciously authentic? You betcha! Because it’s better than a merely average authentic experience.
Because, ya know, you’re not being it.
Couldn’t possibly be and we know that you want to. You think you’re not yourself. Your. Self. Those pesky capital letters driving it all home. Confirming that you’re just not doing it right. Not living right, not feeling right, not being right. Bullshit.
I used to…
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