In the summer of 2022, I had series of visions indicating I was to go to the National Cathedral. I'd been there before of my own choosing and this photo was taken on that trip, back in 2010. I didn't know why I'd been sent there only that, like other direction, I couldn't say know. After I was steered away from the space where others leave their prayers, this conversation unfolded.
"You have been heard. You have always been seen. As this space is for you, yours is for others...
"Your sacredness is your architecture; your building of pain and fortune have equally brought you here...
"You cannot be contained. Your confinement has been your own choosing." This was said nearly two years before I asked myself: "How can this be contained? This cannot be contained!" when I got off the acupuncture table in the spring of 2024 after an experience of my expansive self. I had no remembrance of hearing it before. What I'd been feeling off-the-table was squished and pummeled by a 'real' job that had me squarely in the cross flows of every psychic and neurological sensitivity I have. I knew I had to leave it and did, but, even now, I still don't know how to be uncontained but supported in the practical world of rent and groceries and such.
When I asked about my deepest heart, The Voice and restlessness in the belly I heard, "this is the lifting the vestments of self. This is the change, the presentation of yourself to the word, to the world. You are bearing witness to [your] re-evolution."
"Your painting is prayer, your presence is prayer, poetry is prayer....the word/the words are those things that won't need interpretation...peace is presence, passion is prayer"
"Crow is as holy as any image or idea of Gabriel" There's a story here that I'll tell one day about me and a Crow named Roger.
"The power of your truth is that the greatest love is real..." For someone who doesn't feel loved, this was hard to hear and harder to wrap my head around. I walk alone (here I'm not including the Ancestors who accompany me) and can see no way in which anyone else can see that The Greatest Love is real.
"Go to the lightness when it's appropriate. Go to the fight when it's appropriate; always in presence, always in peace..."Â
"Allow yourself to be held, guided. Direction is not confinement, it's where freedom lies. You are the presence of God and need not ever feel pain again but what is inside you, you must feel."
"Humility and confidence aren't far from each other"
"Be here, be loved...Offering yourself is the mechanism...(in answer to my how the heck do I do whatever it is you're asking me to do--which over a year later I still don't know)...
"This is reintroducing joy and you will for others"<<<---when I heard this I was surrounded by a breeze in church and energies moving around my head...except I don't feel joy with one singular, magnificent exception--when I am in the direct sight of Mt. Wilson.
"Take nothing for granted, take it all as a gift. Paint like you mean it, move like each step is new...Allow, receive, see the gifts, the giving of trust, faith, freedom..."
"Breathe now...what was, is no longer. Go with confidence in your strength, grow your faith by watching, listening deeply, hold your own but loosely."
I walked out of the National Cathedral that afternoon without doubt or direction. There was only the understanding that whatever was to unfold