Wave after wave of grief & pain.
Not the colossal waves that shred, cleanse and renew but hints. Small little ripples teasing, a prelude to what is to come.
I don’t know as I’ve ever given much consideration to the anything called an ultimate betrayal. I thought I might have experienced that as a child.
But this is altogether different. I’ve been lured into a place of trusting, loving, open-heartedness, open-leggedness, into the twistedness of another’s true nature. Brought into the role of lover and used as a pawn in someone else’s depravity. Elaborate weaving entirely unnecessary when simplicity of offering of love & comfort would suffice.
To what end? I could suppose to satisfy some personal need. I could delude myself into thinking that the nature that drew me to love is really behind these masks of deception. I could. I won’t.
I’ll just wait for the maddening, deafening, crashing of it all and then dive in and through.
Although a solid right hook connecting to a jaw would feel really, really good!