“I have been in pain for a long time now due a gymnastics injury I suffered many years ago. I felt like I had a golf ball stuck in my throat for months due to my neck injury. In one session with Ingrid, it's gone! ... I haven't felt this great in so long and its been more than three weeks now. It is so hard to put into words the gift Ingrid has. I will treasure my experiences with her forever.”
“Transcendent, sublime, numinous...any more words diminish the power of the experience in my view.”- Austin, TX
“Ingrid Oliphant delivers a powerful experience... Earthy, rich, passionate and liberating, you can't easily put this event in a box.
If you desire to experience yourself as healed, turned on and bursting with new purpose, this is something you can't miss.
Prepare to laugh, dance, cry and surrender to the rhythm of the Universe. Of the four elements, this is fire--but the kind which burns dead, stuck stuff gently and leaves you feeling free and alive.”
~ Jacob Nordby, author of The Divine Arsonist
I swear I look in the mirror and see a different person. Like, seriously, my face is different. Approaching things differently and noticing how the effects are on me, so much better. Lots of other synchronous messages came through afterward too (just random things here & there but totally resonating). I still can't get over yesterday; that was a completely profound experience. You pulled the pin out! I can't thank you enough!! ~ M.R.
“I would swear I saw light & fire come from her hands. You could literally feel the energy bounce of the walls, move through us.”~ CH, Las Vegas
“Uhe’hee’. From all my ancestors, spirit guides & my spirit. You are a blessing.”
~ Deezbaa, San Francisco
“She may not want the responsibility to lead us into this next age, but it’s hers nonetheless. It’s time for her to step up and us to pay attention.”
“I was breathing God.”
... there is NO MISTAKING the results. For weeks after my session with you, I was clothed in the most extraordinary peace, grace and love. I had no fear whatsoever. The incessant negative chatter running through my head was GONE. I cannot recall a time when I had such clarity! I had the utmost love for everyone, even the ones I had believed had hurt me in the past. I was floating on air. I even saw colors differently...it's hard to explain, but they were more vibrant...shimmery? It was the most beautiful thing. That's really the best I can describe it, but even this doesn't really do it justice. Perhaps it's difficult to describe because for this there really are no adequate words. You just have to experience it. I am so grateful for that day..." ~ Julie West
“There's an interesting new smoooooooothness that's evident. That's what I'm sensing more than anything. The highs aren't so high and the lows aren't so low - there's a pleasant even-ness. What is it Ramana Maharshi said? "Calm is higher than ecstasy"?? Something like that. I don't mean a dull monotone kind of thing at all - not at all. But as though the center of me is spinning like a perfectly centered spinning top - a nice hummmmmmm of dynamic stillness.”
It’s hard to express the power of the session I had with Ingrid but I'm going to give it a shot. But first, a little background. I have spent the last year and a half or so on a bit of a spiritual journey/personal exploration -- trying to get at the root of my various issues, understand negative relationship patterns, and deep-rooted insecurities -- basically working to become “conscious." It's been quite a journey that has involved therapy, journaling, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, reiki, taking up yoga, meditation, and seeing various mediums, tarot readers and other intuitive practitioners, not to mention a lot of introspection. All of these people (whom I lovingly call my "team") were/are amazing and contributed tremendously to my making significant gains in understanding who I am, where my beliefs/emotions come from, and helping me understand, forgive and finally quiet the fear-based internal chatter that permeated my reality.
“Ingrid will tell you that she doesn’t have a message. She does. It’s to hear the unique message of your own voice in your own way. Past all the ‘laws’, ‘rules’, rituals, and others’ expectations. Once you’ve had the experience of yourself in the way she shows you, it’ll all make sense.”
“ I’m glad I went into this with no expectations because there is NO way anyone could expect that!” SC, Delaplane VA
You opened a space, an intimate space, where we could experience our own Truth and soul journey--that dissolved into timelessness. In the intensity of the peace, all the fear and pain just burned away. Everything was benefitting from my release.”
Ingrid’s teachings, although she seems afraid to say that she is teaching, will threaten, for many, their established conclusions of Universal or spiritual laws. When she pushes you past your boundaries, preconceived notions and limitations (particularly those that we’ve adopted from others)--past what we think we know--life just somehow opens up!”
If you have ANY kind of issue that you’re dealing with, emotional or physical, big or small, I urge you to go see her and go NOW (heck, even if you don’t, I urge you to go see her, after all, the more healing and loving energy we have on this earth, the better for all of us, right?). Because I can assure you, if my experience is any indication, it will be an almost inexplicably profound, life-changing experience for you and will make changes that will resonate with you for the rest of your life. My gratitude goes out to Ingrid and the force that put me on a path to connect with her and imbued her with this gift and the generosity to share it. Jessica ~ Arlington, VA
"Although being able to talk to my therapist has done wonders to clear my thoughts, I credit the session yesterday with you for allowing me to feel almost "new." In this lifetime, I've experienced NOTHING more powerful than the healing and enlightening energy the two of us were graced with yesterday." Jackie Johnson, Woodville VA
After ONE in-person healing session with her, all the work, learning, praying, introspection, insights and grace I've worked so hard to acquire over the last year and a half suddenly became real; just clicked into place (I liken it to solving a Rubik’s Cube) and fully integrated into my consciousness. I’m not saying everything is perfect, I’m human after all, I have my ups and downs like everyone else. But the pervasive disconnect and nagging loneliness that has haunted me my whole life is simply gone. Now I feel calm; like I can truly breathe and trust in the universe, and have acquired a "knowing" that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to. I don’t know exactly how or what happened )it feels like lingering past traumas were finally healed and stubborn blocks were finally cleared) but I do know it was as a result of my session with Ingrid. For that I am truly grateful.
“WOW - Ingrid! Your caring, loving, and amazing healing gift of yesterday is still working through us - such a blessing and so truly profound. Much more to say when back in our bodies more - still feeling the lightening bolts with silver linings flowing through our home. Cannot thank you enough for all the feelings physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that you have brought forth for us and the extra benefit of our dogs joining in - so many feelings manifesting by the hour - will share more later - blessings abound. Again your healing touch was absolutely divine and greatly greatly appreciated.” ~ J. Polk, Stanardsville, VA