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Ingrid Oliphant
Feb 17, 20212 min read
No Path, No Way: Perfect
Photo by Rob Wicks “This focus of ‘inward path’ and ‘outward path’ is as limiting a belief as any. As if one is more ‘righteous’ or...

Ingrid Oliphant
Feb 16, 20213 min read
I Am Not Mine Own
I am not my own. My body is not mine. The boundaries of my skin hold the multitudes that began merging within me in 2010. They came...

Ingrid Oliphant
Feb 11, 20213 min read
Another Truth about Suicide
photo by Barry Weatherall via Unsplash So. Here we are. Today is Thursday. All day long. I began the day with rhinos knocking on the...

Ingrid Oliphant
Dec 9, 20201 min read
Dark or Light?
#connection #Divine #energetic #inspiration

Ingrid Oliphant
Nov 9, 20204 min read
We Do This Together
A Facebook connection shared this earlier today, written by a third party: No one is coming to save you, but it is not because you are...

Ingrid Oliphant
Aug 18, 20204 min read
On Demons
I work with ‘invisible’ beings, those that most cannot see. I am surrounded by them. They span the spectrum from Ancestors to angels,...
Ingrid Oliphant
Apr 25, 20201 min read
Healing and Holding the Holy
You are touched by the whole world, as you are. You need neither permission nor to be healed to be held. When healed, though, and in the...
Ingrid Oliphant
Apr 7, 20201 min read
Reality of the Unreal
Prophetic dreams, directional visions, and other ways messages from God and gods are as real now as they were in the past. They exist...
Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 30, 20201 min read
What If You Knew
What would change for you if you knew that a God, The God, all the Gods, wanted nothing more than a relationship with you? What if you...

Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 25, 20201 min read
Feeling Knowledge
Have you ever felt a piece of knowledge slide across your skin? Slippery, like that little something or other that won’t come off the tip...
Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 17, 20201 min read
We Shaman Types Scare People
We shaman types scare people in the same way schizophrenics do. Our worlds involve relationships with the invisible and the ‘inanimate’,...
Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 10, 20201 min read
As the Cantor Sings Me Through
Prayed into Existence Poured into Being The cantor now sings me through Note by note, calling the Becoming and the Return. #Divine #One...

Ingrid Oliphant
Feb 27, 20201 min read
Hearing the Prayer
To hear the prayer of one is to hear the prayer of all. To heed the prayer for one is to answer the call for all. Everyone has walked...
Ingrid Oliphant
Feb 26, 20201 min read
To Feel the One
To feel the pain of another is to know their heart. To feel the darkness of another is to know their heart is not dark. To breathe the...

Ingrid Oliphant
Nov 6, 20191 min read
Oh, Child.
Oh, Child. You are not just a child of God. You are the answer to aeons of prayer. You were made this way before breath brought you to...
Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 25, 20193 min read
Exploring All Things Empath–beyond the bullshit: Part 2
If you missed the introduction to this deep dive, you may want to read this first. At the end of the introduction, there are links to my...
Ingrid Oliphant
Feb 22, 20191 min read
Oceans of Love
It often feels impossible to describe the love contained within me. Even when I cannot give it words, it frightens people. They seem to...
Ingrid Oliphant
May 22, 20173 min read
How a Non-Deist Dances (or does the dishes) with God
When I was in the sixth grade, I saw an angel. At least, that’s what I called it. It was in the sky, it was alive, and not a bird or a...

Ingrid Oliphant
Jul 27, 20162 min read
“I never knew I was cherished. Until now.”
I never hungered for food as a child. I starved, though, for the love of my mother–something beyond the loneliness in the emotional sea...

Ingrid Oliphant
Jul 25, 20162 min read
Experiencing Christ
What does it mean when people see you as Jesus or have an experience with Jesus when with you? There is more than one answer to this...

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