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Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 31, 20201 min read
Braided Breath, Bonded Heart
You weren’t born a basket but the weaving of you began long ago, before a thought ever conceived you. Plaited, wefted, crossed again...
Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 30, 20201 min read
Spring Drinking
As we begin to drink more more sun than snow The pace of growth quicken for you as does the greening of things. Deepening roots will draw...

Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 26, 20201 min read
Looking Down to Praise
You are not external to Him. And you blend just as seamlessly with the brown-skinned man next to you at the bus stop. And the one whose...

Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 25, 20201 min read
Feeling Knowledge
Have you ever felt a piece of knowledge slide across your skin? Slippery, like that little something or other that won’t come off the tip...
Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 11, 20201 min read
They Come
They come, the Old Ones and the newly dead ones They come on the wind They come on the rivers From the ground they cleaved and called...

Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 11, 20191 min read
The loneliness is immense, rounded, like a halo. Maybe it’s holy, too. I wonder if it spills from me like the milk from the moon....
Ingrid Oliphant
Jun 2, 20171 min read
Speaking Silence
The waters wend their way around me, Wrapping around my legs with a ‘shhhhhh…. Speak.’ Snake and otter stand on end, Hood open and head...

Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 2, 20171 min read
Longings Laid Bare
The need to be laid bare is palpable. To be fully naked, exposed and disposed of all secrets, a tabula rasa erased of all gibberish that...

Ingrid Oliphant
Feb 16, 20171 min read
Who can keep a blazing fire tied in a cotton cloth?
why not plunge into union with the Great Goddess Kali? Discover that your spiritual anxiety to be without the slightest ground. The...

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