The Mother Rising is a series of immersive, experiential transmissions for spiritual awakening and conscious remembering of one’s intimate connection with all things, with all things as the Divine through a distinct perspective from The Mother. This is more than an exploration of the Sacred or Divine Feminine. It is a deep dive into the experience of Her through direct encounters, bringing the idea of ‘no separation’ into embodied living. It is a foundation for a mutually healing relationship between you and the Force of Creation. This is an invitation to consciously enter your own holiness, opening into it, feeling it, knowing it and moving with it always.
We will be opening the things within you that you don’t know yet but have felt for a long time. There is particular attention paid to the active participation of Ancestors and, for those directly connected to a diaspora, this is the foundation for a direct transfer for Ancient knowledge.
The Course Offerings:
7 weeks live immersion with Ingrid
7 weeks of 1:1 for unpacking what is unfolding for you
One month of continued after-care
Sense of belonging and community within a group of similar travelers
Spontaneous personal and vicarious healing
Clarity of purpose
Continued support to bring your purpose into the practical world.
Deepening relationships with others and Other with a focus on the God beneath our feet
Refolding spiritual and earth-bound relationships from the homeland across diasporas
This is deep and intense work. It is sacred work that requires focused commitment.
To meet that need, I only work with 30 people at a time.
The spiritual unfolding that began for me with a series of spontaneous awakenings nearly fifteen years ago, continued with a series of profound soul transmigrations and, most recently, with clear direction for a redefinition of The Work. This course is an outcome of the insistence of The Mother that I stand fully in myself, in herself without the barriers I’d been hanging on to. Here, we put into play all the aspects of the ground-work and Ancestral-work, for your own unfolding! Here, you are not alone, no one is going to think you have three heads. Your exceptionality is seen here, you will feel safe and nurtured as we dive into weaving your humanity and divinity into a way that feels oh-so-right, even if you’re frightened of not being able to see how it can come together. We do this together.
Together we’re going to discuss:
Navigating the individual human experience beyond personal, individuated identities
Bringing forward direct Ancestral knowledge, through you, into the modern era
Bridging the idea of Universal Union and individuality through an ungendered or feminine lens
Spiritual experiences in contradiction to cultural norms and consumer-driven, male-dominant expectations
The role of the physical body, sexuality, and mental processes in awakening and conscious Union
The embodiment of divinity, of consciousness, through the lens of The Mother
Deconstructing ideas of self and becoming Self with a foundation of purity and perfection culture
We will meet every Saturday from 8-10:30AM on Zoom from April 10-May 22. There will be meditation and teaching–with transmission occurring throughout–with a different focus each week and it will evolve as your collective and individual needs become more clear. Individual work will be scheduled the other six days of the week from 8AM-5:30PM Mountain Daylight Time.
For more information or to register: