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Ingrid Oliphant
May 31, 20201 min read
My Darling Empath
My darling empath, you cannot separate yourself from the fabric you are part of. There is no shield, bubble or cloak. The route of...

Ingrid Oliphant
Apr 21, 20201 min read
Corona-Inspired Empath Myth-Tip #2
Like the other gift that keeps on giving, it can cause great unseen harm and reinforces fears and trauma response. It is this: “you are...

Ingrid Oliphant
Apr 20, 20202 min read
Corona-inspired Empath Tip #1: Telephone and Video Calls
There are so many people describing the near-anxiety they have before telephone and video calls and the fatigue afterwards. If you are...

Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 25, 20201 min read
Feeling Knowledge
Have you ever felt a piece of knowledge slide across your skin? Slippery, like that little something or other that won’t come off the tip...
Ingrid Oliphant
Aug 3, 20191 min read
Dear Empath
Dear Empath, The more you try to ‘protect’ yourself, the more harm you’re causing yourself. Please stop and choose, instead, to pay...

Ingrid Oliphant
Apr 26, 20195 min read
Lessons for the Empath from Walmart
Here’s how my experience with Walmart changed and subsequently changed me. I’ve never been a fan of the place myself but in 2011, I...
Ingrid Oliphant
Apr 18, 20198 min read
The Empath and Walmart, Part 2
Mindfulness brings to light experience in its pure immediacy. It reveals the object as it is before it has been plastered over with...
Ingrid Oliphant
Apr 16, 20196 min read
The Empath and Walmart; Part 1
“Walmart is the seventh level of hell” ~ a few hundred empaths “We live a story that originates in our autonomic state, is sent through...
Ingrid Oliphant
Apr 4, 20196 min read
My Own Experience as an Empath–beyond the bullshit: Part 3
Inserting ‘empath’ or ‘highly sensitive people’ into your favorite search engine and the resultant 7 million bits of information floating...
Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 25, 20193 min read
Exploring All Things Empath–beyond the bullshit: Part 2
If you missed the introduction to this deep dive, you may want to read this first. At the end of the introduction, there are links to my...
Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 18, 20193 min read
Oh, My Darling Empath
You have no idea You have no idea your desire to retreat is merely your fear of meeting yourself in another. You have no idea that your...
Ingrid Oliphant
Feb 24, 20191 min read
Afraid to feel?
Does it feel foolish to you, impossible even, that your ‘feeling too much’ isn’t that at all? Can you, even the tiniest of moments...

Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 1, 20171 min read
Feeling the Pain is not Failure to Thrive
The avoidance is There is a new, perhaps renewed, ‘depth’ of raw feeling within many and a deep desire to express it. As if, the...
Ingrid Oliphant
Aug 26, 20144 min read
The Importance of Being an Empath
There are three reasons for my recent posts about empaths. First, I’ve a class called the Empowered Empath beginning October 4. Second,...
Ingrid Oliphant
Aug 26, 20144 min read
Mind over Myth; Illness and the Empath
“If we’re not actually absorbing other people’s shit, how is it those empaths have all those illnesses?” Well, honey, I am so glad you...
Ingrid Oliphant
Aug 20, 20141 min read
You’re Grounded
Myth: Empaths need to ground themselves No, they don’t. By now, I’ve worked with a few hundred empaths. More than ninety percent feel...
Ingrid Oliphant
Aug 20, 20142 min read
On Empaths Absorbing Other’s Emotions
Myth: Empaths take on other people’s emotions and illnesses Truth: Empaths do not absorb other people’s shit. We feel it. Period. ...
Ingrid Oliphant
Aug 16, 20142 min read
Thirty traits of being an Empath
Myth: There are 30 Traits of Being an Empath or Symptoms of Being an Empath No. There is only one trait that identifies one as an...
Ingrid Oliphant
Aug 14, 20142 min read
Not all Empaths are Empathetic, Some are just Ath-holes
Myth number one: All psychic empaths are empathetic. Notsomuch. Being an empath simply means one can feel other energies–here we’re...
Ingrid Oliphant
Mar 17, 20143 min read
On Compassion for Self and Fear of Feeling
This post is inspired by interwebz discussion last Monday following Twelve Years A Slave winning the Academy Award for Best Picture. I...

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